Sunday, August 2, 2009

Breathing some fresh air into an old project...

I was working on a personal project titled "3" some time ago, and I was not too sure how to approach it at that time. I'm more confident on my approach this time around, so I hope to finish it soon... I was doing some research on the current situation of nomads in Mongolia and found that some of them used motorcycles as transportation rather than horses. The motorcycles being used were modified and piled high with their belongings. The goal of my concept is show what 3 of these people would look like 50 to 100 years later. I'll be posting my progress and work flow.

Andy Bogard Sculpture (Zbrush)

This is a sculpture of Andy Bogard I did for the KOF fan art contest. I used 3ds max for the body base and created all the subtool bases in 3ds max as well.